Friday, November 22, 2013

King of the Hill: The Games They Play

I caught these two, Ocee and Emmett, in one of their favorite games the other day, King of the Hill. Kudra didn't want any part of it.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Ocee Does Look Good in Her Bling

(Orange Cat)

She likes her Bluebird.
Her Aunt Megan made it.

She didn't eat it. Honest.
She just knows she's beautiful when she wears it (and of course when she doesn't;  but that's another story).

And, now Ocee, happy to have shared her love of bluebirds, is tired again and wants to continue with her nap.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

So Long A Time

Fly, Fly among these dreams of flight. Slow your heart rate to each beat of the wing...
