Sunday, February 01, 2015

First Hike Since Hip Replacements

It couldn't have been a more beautiful day, weather wise, and company wise, for a hike at Hal Scott Preserve. This was my first trek with Willow.  For therapy after the surgeries I had been walking the mile around Fay Lake with Tom and Willow, but this was a full out "lets go for it." I had hoped to not use a "stick," and started out with a pole for stability, but by the end, I had to use a cane.

We didn't take the full 10+ mile (2 loops) within the reserve so we didn't get to check on the great horned owl that has the giant nest in the pine on the outer loop. I would not have been able to make it around the outer loop, as I was barely able to make it the 4.3 mile first loop that took us to the little creosote bridge that forded the Econolohatchee River and back again.

The river area at the end of the first loop is surrounded by bald cypress. The South was built with cypress wood, so any stands left are so very precious. This is one that is gorgeous; small, but breathtaking. As we entered, the cypress stand the drop of a Wilson tennis ball from the branches of a cypress caught my attention as at the same time a red shouldered hawk took off from the same tree with a loud cry. That yellow egg must not have been worth any more effort to try to bust open! We threw the tennis ball for Willow a bit more as we left the stand and started back through the scrub, but Willow prefers sticks and soon tired of it. Perhaps another rapture will be fooled by its beguiling shape and color.

I was so proud I made the goal. At the end it was twenty-five steps and stop for a moment, stretch forward, then twenty-five steps more. I hadn't taken anything for pain; I hadn't even thought of it before we left. Oh well. I have a next outing planned: Moses Creek Reserve (partial), then drop by Manatanza's Inlet to introduce Willow to the Ocean.  I am so happy to be able to back in nature again.

We got home and the chili was ready in the crockpot for eating while watching Superbowl 2015. Go SeaHawks!!