Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Day

My first day of the Vernal Equinox was filled with bird song and orange blossoms, blueberry griddlecakes and a fresh cut flower bouquet for the table and time with Tom, Masala, Ganesh, Alobar, Kudra and Emmett!

     I  wish everyone a joyous Spring!            Walks where you can taste the sunshine.         Open windows that welcome breezes of blossoms. Evening moonlight walks.  Hands in the garden dirt. Fresh cut bouquets from your gardens in small jars on your kitchen windowsills.  Planting herb gardens. Picking berries. Bees. Naps in the hammock. Naps in the rocking chair. Watching the cat roll and stretch in the sunbeams in the patio.  All these things and more...           
I am sharing a nest and bird file for making tags to all for a Spring gift. They are really pretty with a little brown or white glass glitter applied sparingly, here and there. Enjoy!

just right click, save to your files


Post Script: My beloved Ganesh died late in the evening on this Spring Day. Tom and I found him on the foot of the bed; his most favorite spot these last few months. We had spent a very nice weekend of play and "cuddling." Although I am heartbroken, he truly has helped me through some very difficult days these last few weeks. I think he stayed, even in his blindness and confusion to do so. Like a Bodhisattva, Ganesh shall be truly blessed.


  1. Happy Spring to you too! Enjoyed my visit today.

  2. Thank you so much for the lovely spring gift and sharing that beautiful owl collage. I am SO sorry to hear of Ganesh's passing. Hugs to you and yours. Theresa

  3. Dearest Brianne,
    I am deeply sorry to learn of Ganesh's passing, my heart aches for your loss. I so wish there was more I could offer to help ease what you are feeling ... save all I can offer is my warmest of hugs for comfort.

    Thank you, for the lovely springtime wishes and for sharing the most luscious graphics ... I simply LOVE them! Teak care, dear friend.

  4. Oh Brianne, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Ganesh. I am glad that you were able to get in some cuddling time, and I hope the beauty of Spring will help to comfort you.
    I also want to thank you for the sweet gift of the bird tags - I've saved them to Paint Shop Pro and hope to print them out soon!
    Gentle hugs,

  5. Hi Brianne,
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving your thoughtful comment!...Sorry for the loss of you beautiful heart goes out to you...our furry friends are such a gift...amazing what a huge hole they leave when they pass...xoxoxo
