Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sister's Gift

I came home from work today and I saw that I had an early birthday present waiting for me from my sister.

It is a beautiful lap throw. She knows that I am always cold. Even in Florida. It is made of felt, the perfect, perfect weight of material. The colors and pattern are perfect for the house. You can see how beautiful it is below.

I thought about putting it on the bed.

It looks perfect. And I love to hang out here, cuddled up reading and catching up on my blogs!

I also tried it in on one of the chairs in the living room where Tom and I like to read and watch a little of the t.v.

It looks great here too.

I guess, like all good "blankies," I'll need to carry it around with me everywhere I go....

Thanks, Megan, for the great present!!

And, for making me the additional dish scrubbies. These will make doing the dishes "fun"? Well, anyway, these will be pretty in the winter kitchen.

My sister's excellent crochet work makes for a whimsical kitchen dish scrub. I think she will be selling these on her Etsy shop BeachHouse341; so drop her a line.

I'm adding this last picture of a birthday long ago.

Megan is visiting her daughter and grandchildren this holiday, so maybe she will find this and share the "funny" picture.

Where does the time go?


1 comment:

  1. OMG!!!! I should sue you for posting that picture! (:O)
    Glad you liked the presents--BTW--it's fleece not felt.
